Adam Joinson
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Dr. Adam Joinson completed a BSc (Psychology) at the University of London (1991), and a PhD (Social Psychology) at the University of Hertfordshire (1996).
His research interests include self-disclosure on the Internet, survey methodology and educational technology. He is author of "Understanding the Psychology of Internet Behaviour" (Palgrave, 2003), as well as articles on computer-mediated communication, online research methods, personalization techniques and e-learning.
Primary Interests:
- Applied Social Psychology
- Attitudes and Beliefs
- Communication, Language
- Internet and Virtual Psychology
- Interpersonal Processes
- Personality, Individual Differences
- Research Methods, Assessment
- Self and Identity
Research Group or Laboratory:
Online Studies:
- The Personality and Openness Study
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University of Bath Faculty Profile
Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats Interview
Journal Articles:
- Archer-Brown, C., Piercy, N., & Joinson, A. (2012). Examining the information value of virtual communities: Factual versus opinion-based message content. Journal of Marketing Management, 1-18.
- Birchmeier, Z., Joinson, A. N., & Dietz-Uhler, B. (2005). Storming and forming a normative response to a deception revealed online. Social Science Computer Review, 23(1), 108-121.
- Buchanan, T., Paine, C. B., Joinson, A. N., & Reips, U-R. (2007). Development of measures of online privacy concern and protection for use on the Internet. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2), 157-165.
- Joinson, A. N. (2004). Self-esteem, interpersonal risk, and preference for e-mail to face-to-face communication. CyberPsychology and Behaviour, 7(4), 472-478.
- Joinson, A. N. (2001). "Knowing me, knowing you": Reciprocal self-disclosure and Internet-based surveys. Cyberpsychology and Behaviour, 4(5), 587-591.
- Joinson, A. N. (2001). Self-disclosure in computer-mediated communication: The role of self-awareness and visual anonymity. European Journal of Social Psychology, 31, 177-192.
- Joinson, A. N. (1999). Social desirability, anonymity and Internet-based questionnaires. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and Computers, 31(3), 433-438.
- Joinson, A. N., & Banyard, P. (2002). Psychological aspects of information seeking on the Internet. ASLIB Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, 54(2), 95-102.
- Joinson, A. N., & Dietz-Uhler, B. (2002). Explanations for the perpetration of and reactions to deception in a virtual community. Social Science Computer Review, 20(3), 275-289.
- Joinson, A. N., Paine, C. B., Buchanan, T. B, & Reips, U-R. (2006). Watching me, watching you: Privacy attitudes and reactions to Identity Card implementation scenarios in the United Kingdom. Journal of Information Science, 32(4), 334-343.
- Joinson, A. N., & Reips, U-D. (2007). Personalized salutation, power of sender and response rates to Web-based surveys. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(3), 1372-1383.
- Joinson, A. N., Woodley, A., & Reips, U-R. (2007). Personalization, authentication and self-disclosure in self-administered Internet surveys. Computers in Human Behavior, 23, 275-285.
- Whitty, M. T., Buchanan, T., Joinson, A., & Meredith, A. (2011). Not all lies are spontaneous: An examination of deception across different modes of communication. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(1).
Other Publications:
- Joinson, A. N. (2006). Disinhibition and the Internet. In J. Gackenbach (Ed.), Psychology and the Internet (2nd ed.). Taylor and Francis.
- Joinson, A. N. (2005). Internet behaviour and the design of virtual methods. In C. Hine (Ed.), Virtual methods: Issues in social research on the Internet. Oxford: Berg.
- Joinson, A. N. (Ed.). (2005). Deviance and the Internet: New challenges for social science. Special Issue of Social Science Computer Review, 23(1).
Adam Joinson
Bristol Business School
University of the West of England
Bristol BS16 1QY
United Kingdom
- Phone: +44 (0)117 32 82131